4 Sept 2014

The Vestry Restaurant - Redesign of Listed Church

A Listed Methodist Church in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin remodelled as a restaurant with additional first floor free-standing installation. The first floor is accessed by lift and stairs positioned either side of the central aisle. The first floor rests on structural corian-coated steel plinths, the design of which is abstracted from the neo-gothic windows.
Free-Standing first floor Installation
The Corian structural plinths are neon lit to add interest knit the design of other lighting elements together 
On the first floor mezzanine the bespoke furnishings derive their forms from the curving arches and windows while the chosen colours provide a bright warm contrast to the predominantly white render of the building.
The wall hangings add interest on both floors, the modern motifs adding a hint of edginess to the two spaces.


Jetsam Hotel Bedroom & Bathroom